National Home Visiting Resource Center – Father Engagement in Home Visiting: Benefits, Challenges and Promising Strategies

This brief summarizes the existing research to answer four questions:
What are the benefits of father involvement for children? What outcomes are associated with father engagement in home visiting? What common challenges do programs face engaging fathers in home
visiting? What strategies are home visiting programs using to overcome common obstacles?

Engaging At-Risk Fathers in Home Visiting Services

The current study examines fathers’ participation in the Healthy Families New York (HFNY) home visiting program (DuMont et al., 2008; Kirkland, 2013; Lee et al., 2009),
a Healthy Families America accredited home visiting program established in 1995. The program serves families at elevated risk for adverse child and family outcomes, and like other home visiting interventions, has increased efforts to involve fathers. Utilizing existing HFNY administrative data, the study aims to describe fathers’ participation in HFNY; examine how fathers’ participation is correlated with program retention; and assess the relationship between father participation and two areas of family functioning: fathers’ emotional involvement and co-residency with the child.